Mom and Dad were in Massachusetts for a few weeks, and while they were gone they had some of the floors redone. Refinishing floors really is a pain in the ass, Mom said she will never do it again as long as she lives. I don't blame her, really I …
Metallic Hide Interiors
After my crazy Mad Cow post the other day, one of my girlfriends commented that she didn't think she had ever seen a room with metallic hide accents. I thought about it and she is right, I mean it's not like the Martinique Wallpaper where you can …
Client Foyer Before & After
I need to get better about posting client before & after photos. I always think I have to wait until everything is perfect or have the rooms professionally photographed to share pictures, but in reality nothing is perfect. There is nothing wrong …
Son Of A ….
Speaking of not having a living room big enough one day to fit the new Pipa cocktail table, my favorite house ever came on the market the other week (10 years too early for the Mr. and I to be able to afford it) and it's already under …
Mixing vs. Matching
Crazy wallpaper, wild flooring, neon paint, and funky fabrics are normally not elements you think of in one room. While some might think these interiors are way over the top, they are proof you can't have too many colors or patterns in one space. Mom …