White Place Settings
One thing people asked me when the Mr. and I got married was whether or not I thought I would regret not registering for china. The answer was and still is, heck no. I absolutely love white dinnerware. Formal or informal, stark white or creamy white, it doesn’t matter I love it all. To be perfectly honest, if it can’t go in the dishwasher the likelihood of me getting much use out of it is slim to none anyway. My sweet little man Hank surprised me with a Tarjay gift card for mother’s day, so naturally when I got there I made a beeline for the kitchen department. Their new Threshold collection is pretty amazing, if you haven’t see any of it in person I definitely recommend checking it out. Thank you my sweet Hank for thinking of me, and thank you darling husband for putting up with the fact that we only have two small cabinets designated for food, and three rather large cabinets for my weirdo plate and glassware collection/obsession.
Get the Look
love every image, I am a huge fan of white as well.
I totally agree! But lately I have been mixing in colorful glassware.