As I slowly get back into work mode, I've found myself looking for funky wallpaper selections for a few clients. I don't know if 2014 is going to be the year people break out of their comfort zones or what, but I have had several clients ask me to …
Master Bathroom Flooring
I am currently working with a client on her Master Bathroom renovation and we have decided to bite the bullet and go with engineered hardwood as our flooring for the space. The engineered part gives it that extra protection we will need in a bathroom …
Townhouse Before & After
Here are some before and after shots of a townhouse I worked on recently. I was working with a builder friend of mine on this project so the house was done for resale purposes, so please ignore the furniture... They hired a stager to stage the house …
Friday Favs
So as you all know the Mr. and I are in an apartment so Jack's room decor will revolve around the theme throughout our apartment which is all white walls. Yes we could technically paint them but I 1. Don't want to have to paint them when we move out, …
Friday Favs
Okay I promise not to turn this blog into a complete kid fest now that I am preggers but since I've been on a bathroom kick lately I thought this was appropriate to share. Look what I found on Amazon today, it's a bath tub drain stopper! …